Studies have shown 71% of large truck crashes occurred when the driver was doing something besides The way that you drive says everything about you and your company. Texting: One of the worst driving distractions, texting requires your eyes, hands, and attention. Put you phone in the glovebox or elsewhere to curb the urge to look at it. Avoiding Distracted Driving. How? If youre using a headset, make sure its properly connected before you leave. Technology Part of the Solution Cell phone blocking devices can prevent distracted-driving crashes and save thousands of lives. With road trips and travel plans underway, its no surprise that people tend to drive 20% more miles during the summer months, and along with that, distracted driving also increases by 8%.According to the Texas Department of Transportation, distracted driving resulted in 431 fatalities and 2,934 Cognitive distraction takes your mind off the road. Every day, 9 people die due to distracted driving. Your employees are focused on doing their jobs. Whatever the message is, it can wait. Reaching for a moving object inside your vehicle, reading, grooming or applying makeup, eating, and drowsiness have all been shown at a minimum to triple your risk of a crash. If you drive the same route all the time, you may find yourself zoning out and not even remembering parts or all of the drive. Make Adjustments Before You Start Driving 1. The CDC lists three main types of distracted driving: cognitive, visual, and manual.
If you can, make eye contact with the driver. Parking Lot Safety Parking lots pose unique hazards for pedestrians and drivers. We hope that everyone will avoid texting while driving. Prevent this distraction by reviewing the route ahead of time. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), driver distraction is the diversion of attention from activities critical for safe driving to a competing activity.Not surprisingly, distracted driving increases the risk of getting into a crash. Ignoring distractions while driving and maintaining focus on the road is key to driving safely. Master driving in rain Make a positive statement by following these work-related safe driving practices. Allstate: Safe Driving provides tips and videos. This means that neither texting and driving, nor hand-held cell phone use is permitted while operating a vehicle. Avoid taking calls and texting while driving. Avoid eating and drinking while driving. Avoid hard braking, acceleration, and cornering Truck driver safety tips for different seasons and weather conditions 0 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Del-Val Insurance Group Inc.: Distracted driving is the main cause of most Responding to texts or taking calls for work while driving Even if you dont cause an accident, distracted driving can result in fines, points Wayland Police and Fire Share Distracted Driving Safety Tips in Wake of Recent Crashes. Avoid looking at screens while driving, even if you're using your phone hands-free. The campaign emphasizes that all functions of a phone can be distracting: using an app, shuffling through music or playing videos, looking at social media, maps or photos.
Be safe and responsible with affordable car insurance that gives you great cover, along with many additional benefits. The law applies even when you're stopped at a red light or in bumper-to-bumper traffic. TIP #1: Do Not Let Objects Outside of Your Truck Distract You When driving, stay focused on the job of driving your truck. Storing loose gear in a safe space where it will not move around is a simple way to ensure that you are not distracted or losing focus while driving. Take care at intersections and give yourself a little extra braking time. An adult dialing a cell phone misses the same event 13% of the time. All of these can result in distracted driving. July 13, 2022. Texting While Driving Is More Dangerous Than Intoxication. Examples include: banning texting while driving banning hand-held cell phone use while driving requiring passenger limits for young drivers using high-visibility enforcement of these laws Visual distractions take drivers eyes off the road, even for a few seconds. Follow all road signs 8. Buckle up for safety. Distracted driving is a hot topic right now in road safety. You may take your eyes off the road when you reach for your sunglasses or something in the seat next to you. Look out for motorists who are drifting from their lanes, driving at inconsistent speeds, or are preoccupied by other distracted behaviors. 6. Quick Tips . Distracted driving facts: Texting and driving is a major safety issue, but distracted driving is about more than just your phone. Talking on the phone: Even if youre using a hands-free device, talking on the phone takes your mind off the road. Get enough sleep and time off driving. Even hands-free calling and voice texting may increase the risk of an accident. Distracted Driving. Avoidance of driver distraction is probably the most important driving skill that can be improved over time. Of those involved in a car wreck that survive, over 1,000 of them are injured. According to NHTSA, sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for five seconds. Home / Distracted Driving (Cellphone Use) Meeting Kit Spanish. April is Distracted Driving Month, a time to increase awareness of and reduce risky driving behaviors. These distracted driving tips and truths will help give you a better idea of the dangers distracted driving poses. Safety Tips to Avoid Texting While Driving. Especially if youre a passenger and the driver is busy using their phone. Knowing the risks of distracted driving and tips to avoid it is an important lesson, especially for teen drivers. Know your safe braking distance 5. It may also help to take a moment before leaving to ensure you punched the correct address into the GPS.
4. Distracted driving is a growing safety concern for both occupational and personal-use motorists. Plan your trip in advance and program GPS systems, set mirrors and climate controls, etc., before you begin driving. However, other common causes of distracted driving include the following: Eating. Remember, multi-task outside the car. They are all dangerous and illegal when you are driving, and the safest thing drivers can do is put down the phone and just drive. Look for leftover sand and salt Many towns use sand and salt to combat icy roads which is great in winter weather. 72 Eating while driving can take your eyes off the road. Pay attention. 5. Everyone spends a lot of time in their vehicles, and it may seem like the perfect time to get little things done: calling friends, searching for Distracted driving has become a national epidemicendangering passengers, adjacent vehicle occupants, motorcyclists and bicyclists, and nearby pedestrians. Avoid driving while fatigued by getting enough rest, stopping for breaks and driving during the day. First and foremost, turn off your phone or device, buckle your seat belt and abide by the laws of the road by saying no to distracted driving.
Cognitive distractions include anything that takes your mind off of the road, such as getting lost in a daydream. Be well-rested before driving. Distracted Driving Safety Tips for Teens. to help you avoid cell phone use while driving. Consider trying an app to reduce distractions while driving. Speak up if you are a passenger in a car with a distracted driver. Ask the driver to focus on driving. Reduce distractions for the driver by assisting with navigation or other tasks. Finally, stay alert for distracted drivers. Below are some of the campaigns and resources to help promote safe driving habits. Distracted drivers are more likely to react slower to traffic conditions than drivers who are focused on the road. Safety tips to prevent distracted driving this summer. Do not use cruise control; keep your body involved with the driving. Taking your eyes off the road hands off the wheel mind off driving Get the Facts Many states have taken steps to help prevent distracted driving. Hand-held cell phone use while driving is highest among 15- to 29-year-old drivers. Every year roadway incidents are the number one cause of fatal occupational injuries. A Conversation with other people in the car, listening to backseat drivers, getting lost in loud music or a podcast. Understand the dangers of the cognitive distraction to the brain. Learn the rules of the road Don't use your cellphone at a red light. Safe Driving Practices for Employees You are your employers most valuable asset! You should avoid focusing on things outside of your truck that arent related to driving. WAYLAND Acting Police Chief Ed Burman and Fire Chief Neil McPherson urge motorists to slow down, pay attention, and obey traffic laws in the wake of several recent motor vehicle crashes believed to be caused by distracted driving. Safety personnel are invited to test drive the NSC Distracted Driving Online Course for free. Every driver can help stop distracted driving on our roads.
The largest cause of distracted driving crashes (at 62%) is a driver being lost in thought or letting their mind wander. You should avoid focusing on things outside of your truck that arent related to driving. Legs should not be fully extended, but flexed at about a 45 degree angle. Distracted driving response Alabama state law also prohibits using a wireless telecommunication device while driving to write, send or read a text-based communication. Research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reveals that vehicle manufacturers in-vehicle technology, as well as Apple CarPlay and Googles Android Auto systems, can create dangerous distractions for drivers while behind the wheel. 5 Identify distracted drivers. Helpful Tips and Apps to #EndDD. Driver inattention is the leading factor in most crashes and near-crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. April is the National Safety Councils Distracted Driving Awareness Month. If you think the distracted driver is a danger to others, pull over in a safe place and call the Texas Department of Public Safety Motorist Hotline at 800-525-5555. Avoid Loud Conversation, Music, Podcasts, And Backseat Drivers. Talking to another passenger. If you think the distracted driver is a danger to others, pull over in a safe place and call the Texas Department of Public Safety Motorist Hotline at 800-525-5555. Avoid distractions like texting, talking on the phone, or playing games while driving. Distracted driving involves more than just texting. Recognize that hands-free devices offer no safety benefit. Educate and implement. Tina Tsonis 2021-11-03T11:15:24-07:00. Talk to your employer. Wood County Safe Communities is dedicated to inform all citizens of the dangers of distracted driving. In order to keep focused while driving, you should follow these steps: Keep 100% of your attention on driving at all times no multi-tasking. Progressive: Does distracted driving increase insurance rates? If these materials are not secured properly, they will move around in your car causing distractions for the driver. 1 The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) leads the national effort to save lives by preventing this dangerous behavior. The national distracted driving effort focuses on ways to change the behavior of drivers through legislation, enforcement, public awareness, and education. Put your cell phone away or turn on do not disturb before putting the car in gear Technology and Distraction What We Know. Top 5 Tips for Reducing Driving Distractions. Stressful or emotional conversations and driving do not mix they are distracting and even dangerous when youre behind the wheel of a car. Drinking. Take frequent breaks. Protect lives by never texting or talking on the phone while driving. Safety Tips for Driving. Here are 10 safe driving tips to follow for a safe 4 th of July: Before leaving, ensure that your vehicle is in good working order. Not only is it dangerous, but in Georgia, it is illegal. Reaching for objects. GPS and maps: Like texting, using GPS or reading a map for directions will take your hands, eyes, and thoughts away from driving. Use your cell phone to call for help Driving is a visual task and non-driving activities that draw the driver's eyes away from the roadway should always be avoided. 1 Drivers engage in a range of distracting activities from There are four types of distracted driving that teens and parents should be able to recognize: Visual: A visual distraction can be anything that takes your eyes off the road, such as texting, using a navigation system or applying makeup. Make the commitment to drive phone-free today. Tips on how to avoid distracted driving Set your playlist, podcast, safety features, whatever it is, before you drive Set the GPS and review directions before driving Ensure your Bluetooth is properly connected before departure Allow plenty of travel time Stow and secure loose objects Prepare children with everything they need before driving Distracted driving occurs when one of these functions is preoccupied by something other than driving. Familiarize yourself with features of your vehicles equipment before you hit the road. TIP #1: Do Not Let Objects Outside of Your Truck Distract You When driving, stay focused on the job of driving your truck. Here are some tips to put into practice now to make our roads safer: First of all, use an app that blocks notifications and sends an automatic response to those who are trying to reach you. Repeat offenses will result in the driver being disqualified or put out of service for up to 120 days. Speaking to motorists about the dangers of distracted driving during traffic stops; Handing out rubber thumb rings at education events reminding motorists not to text and drive; Publishing distracted driving articles, videos, and statistics on social media; Teaching distracted driving classes to high school students; and Stay Safe Use a seat belt at all times driver and passenger(s). Adjusting the radio station. If you are drowsy, pull off the road. During daylight hours, approximately 481,000 drivers are using cell phones while driving. The most basic driver safety advice is that a driver must allow for a safe time and distance to respond to any driving situation. Make people you are talking with aware you are driving and, if necessary, suspend conversations which have the potential to divert your attention from the road.
To avoid the temptation to reach for your phone, work files, food, or cosmetics, put them on the back seat so you do not have the option to reach for them while driving. Set climate, GPS and radio controls before you begin driving, and when youre hungry, stop to eat at a restaurant (youll be more refreshed afterward). Stay aware of your surroundings and obey the posted speed limit. To learn why distracted driving is a preventable problem, further distracted driving prevention tips and how your company can help fight and reduce such behind the wheel behavior, download our white paper. Geico: Offers Interactive Distracted Driving information. Minimize distractions from passengers (avoid talking while driving) Avoid taking your eyes off the road Check your mirrors frequently this moves your head and eyes and updates you on conditions around your vehicle Think about a path of safe escape if a dangerous situation occurs suddenly in front of Leave Multitasking for Life Outside the Car 2. Quick Tips #397. Reaching for objects is also a big problem, says Simons-Morton. In the majority of accidents, seat belts save lives. We all become distracted at times while driving. Look out for motorists who are drifting from their lanes, driving at inconsistent speeds, or are preoccupied by other distracted behaviors. This means that neither texting and driving, nor hand-held cell phone use is permitted while operating a vehicle. 4. Being busy is no excuse for distracted driving. Finishing your breakfast on the way to work or school may seem like a time-saver, but it means y The FMCSA sets guidelines for the number of Get the facts, get involved, and help keep Americas roads Distracted driving is one of the fastest-growing safety issues on the roads today. Below are some tips that will help you stay focused on the road ahead and can help make you a safer driver. Most fleet management and safety companies recommend a multi-faceted approach to minimize distracted driving as follows: Educate about distracted driving and implement policy; define penalties for non-compliance, and monitor driver behavior. Wear bright or reflective clothing at night, and keep your headphone volume low enough that you can hear approaching vehicles. Drowsiness increases the risk of a crash by nearly four times.
Talking on the phone: Even if youre using a hands-free device, talking on the phone takes your mind off the road. Be alert, stay safe. Everyone is guilty of turning their attention away from the road momentarily to change a song or just check who is calling. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving caused 3,477 deaths in 2015. But you may not realize that eating while driving can be dangerous. It only takes a second to lose your balance, walk into a high-risk area without realizing it, or to step on a rusty nail. But have you ever considered the dangers imposed by distracted workers in an industrial setting? TIP #6: Avoid Eating and Drinking When Driving. Before you step into the road, make sure approaching vehicles are stopped completely. Reaching for your phone. Distracted driving is a serious problem that affects the lives of all involved. 3. Most states' graduated driver licensing laws prohibit teens from having teenage passengers in the car with them during their early months of dri 6 ways you can stop yourself from driving while distracted today Limit phone use while you're driving turn it off if necessary. 2. The idea of a designated driver has caught on for drunk driving, and choosing a substitute can be just as useful for distracted driving. Typically, this means texting or talking on a cell phone , but there are other things that keep your brain unfocused and unable to concentrate on driving: Safety Tips. Farmers: Distracted Driving information on the distracted drivers brain. 5. Nine percent of drivers 15 to 19 years old involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crash. Distracted driving contributes to ten percent of all fatal car crashes, leading to around four thousand deaths and 400,000 injuries every year. 1. Distracted Driving. 3/6/2017 The Dangers of Distracted Driving Speak up when others use their phone while driving Put your phone out of reach when driving or turn it off The distracted driver fails to notice an important road event, such as another driver making a mistake 3% of the time. Visual Distracted driving is dangerous, claiming 3,142 lives in 2020. Distracted drivers arent just a threat to themselves: theyre a danger to everyone else on the road. Commonsense tips include: Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road at all times; use your phones Do Not Disturb feature or an app to silence calls and texts. Turning knobs in your car, such as adjusting your temperature controls. Clear Your Mind. Checking and adjusting your GPS/navigation system.
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